About us


We provide more than just an opportunity to plug into an accomplished network of individuals in the public and private sectors, academia, think tanks, and international organisations. We offer our members a variety of programs— from mentorship and workshops, to off-the-record public speaking engagements in a supportive and collegial environment. We seek out rising stars, whether early career or enthusiastic students, and are committed to breaking down barriers for young experts to share their ideas. 


The TradeExperettes is a network of women trade experts from around the world. We shine a light on the unique insights and knowledge of our members, and work to empower women at all stages of their careers to achieve their goals. The TradeExperettes serve a dual purpose— to showcase our dynamic network of women trade experts, and to help our members position themselves as thought leaders in the trade community. 


A global interactive platform for policy discussions, collaboration, and women’s empowerment, the TradeExperettes seek to equip our members with the tools to have their voices heard, and to contribute their expertise to the most pressing trade policy challenges of the day.  We aim to elevate women working in international trade-related fields and connect others with their expertise. We want to use our platform to support the next generation of female trade experts. One of our priorities is to amplify the voices of women from diverse ethnic and geographic backgrounds. 

TradeExperettes is membership-based organisation that welcomes individuals from all over the world, interested in supporting women’s voices in international trade research and policy-making.  We welcome individuals of all gender identities/expressions.

We are a network of women trade experts from around the world and allies in women’s empowerment. TradeExperettes members include individuals in the public and private sectors, academia, think tanks, and international organisations from around the world.


Executive Board

Advisory Board

Volunteer Team

With the kind support of