On January 24 2024, the EU announced its strategy on outbound investments with the objective of establishing a comprehensive outbound screening policy. Although the policy outcome will not be known until 2025 at the earliest, the EU is likely to introduce an initiative resembling the US outbound investment screening regime. But the EU is not the US. Introducing such a regime will be a challenge for the EU.
Emilie Kerstens & Belén Gracia
In a recent webinar hosted by TradeExperettes, esteemed experts including WTO DDG Johanna Hill, Alice Tipping, Director of Trade and Sustainable Development at the IISD, and Tiffany Smith, Vice President for Global Trade Policy at NFTC, provided their insightful reflections on the outcomes of MC13, shedding light on its accomplishments, failures and perhaps most importantly, the path forward.
Javeria Maryam
In today’s integrated global economy, international trade is often seen as a tool to boost female workforce participation. However, achieving sustainable and inclusive growth requires gender-sensitive trade policies to ensure equitable benefits for all.
Gender-differentiated roles and gender-biased business practices exist in global markets, causing women to be more disadvantaged.