Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

Gender Mainstreaming in Trade Agreements: Lessons and Future Pathways

Javeria Maryam

In today’s integrated global economy, international trade is often seen as a tool to boost female workforce participation. However, achieving sustainable and inclusive growth requires gender-sensitive trade policies to ensure equitable benefits for all.            

Gender-differentiated roles and gender-biased business practices exist in global markets, causing women to be more disadvantaged.

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

TradeExperettes Unpack MC13: Achievements, Challenges, Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

Emilie Kerstens & Belén Gracia

In a recent webinar hosted by TradeExperettes, esteemed experts including WTO DDG Johanna Hill, Alice Tipping, Director of Trade and Sustainable Development at the IISD, and Tiffany Smith, Vice President for Global Trade Policy at NFTC, provided their insightful reflections on the outcomes of MC13, shedding light on its accomplishments, failures and perhaps most importantly, the path forward. 

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

Digital services trade “must-haves” for MC13

Jane Drake-Brockman & Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås

The internet is a global public good that we can no longer take for granted. Recent years have  witnessed escalating constraints on cross-border  data transfers - undermining the integrity of the internet itself, and threatening the global digital transformation. The WTO has a critical role to play to keep markets open, particularly to the benefit of MSMEs firms in developing countries. MC13 can contribute to this goal.

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

Reforming the WTO requires political will

Cecilia Malmstrom

As the WTO Ministerial starts next week, unfortunately, there is not much we can expect, due to the lack of political will. The world is in acute need of global rules and a functioning multilateral system, but reforming the WTO requires political will and a true global commitment.

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Inu Manak Inu Manak

WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations: Aligning Trade with Sustainability

Penelope Ridings

After 20 years, negotiations on harmful fisheries subsidies are reaching their final stage. If success is achieved, this will be due in part to aligning the outcome of the WTO negotiations with existing international legal frameworks and sustainable fisheries management, and recognition of the special circumstances of subsistence, artisanal and small-scale fisheries.

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

Are Joint Statement Initiatives the World Trade Organization’s Future?

Fiama Angeles, Riya Roy, and Yulia Yarina

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has faced severe criticism for its inability to conclude any major negotiations in over two decades. The lack of consensus among its diverse Membership, who differ considerably in terms of their economic, socio-political structures, and interests, has been at the center of this impasse.

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

The WTO is Alive and Kicking

Namali Mackay

It may come as a surprise in this brave new world of unpredictable international rules - that the World Trade Organization appears to be alive and kicking.

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Trade Experettes Trade Experettes

'Trade for Her' - empowering women in trade

Stephanie Honey

The conference, entitled ‘Trade for Her’, will explore current challenges and barriers to women in trade, hear business perspectives on the issues, and discuss synergies with other policy areas - ultimately seeking to identify solutions for women’s greater empowerment in trade.

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