Gender Mainstreaming in Trade Agreements: Lessons and Future Pathways
In today’s integrated global economy, international trade is often seen as a tool to boost female workforce participation. However, achieving sustainable and inclusive growth requires gender-sensitive trade policies to ensure equitable benefits for all.
Gender-differentiated roles and gender-biased business practices exist in global markets, causing women to be more disadvantaged.
If at first you do not succeed, try women's economic empowerment through trade
A close look at the background and the outcome of the WTO Joint Ministerial Declaration on the Advancement of Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment within Trade shows us how far WTO Members are willing to go to use trade to overcome gender inequality.
Shifting the dial on women and trade
Through the last two years the pace of global discussions about trade and gender has accelerated, and innovative new models are under discussion. This is good news; but shifting the dial in a practical way for women is still a work in progress.
Putting Women at the Heart of Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery: How Trade Agreements Can Help
Economic empowerment comes with unfettered access to economic opportunities and resources. The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the impact of these pre-existing barriers in various ways.
Gender-Inclusive E-Commerce in a Post-COVID-19 Recovery
Trade and gender is in the spotlight. The international community has committed to making trade more inclusive, and taken steps to facilitate women’s participation in the global trading system.
On the Role of Women Trade Trainers
According to the International Trade Centre, women face such gendered barriers as official bans to holding certain jobs, maternity obstacles, and employment restrictions – all despite doing twice more unpaid care work.
Is it time for women leaders in international organizations?
Maria V. Sokolova, Alisa DiCaprio, and Nicole Bivens Collinson
The nominations process that has been in place up until now for international organizations has yielded limited diversity both with regard to gender and nationality of candidates.
#WeSeeYou: COVID-19 and the Fashion Retail Industry
The economic crisis brought by COVID-19 has again underscored the unethical business culture which pervades the fashion retail industry.
TradeExperettes survey of women trade professionals on the impact of COVID-19 on their lives
Maria V. Sokolova and Leila Aridi Afas
The constant stream of COVID-19 coverage is overwhelming. It makes our minds spiral in different directions without a clear understanding of whether the sacrifices we are making are indeed “flattening the curve” and minimizing the impact of the virus.
#TradingForward: TradeExperettes talk about how trade can adapt to a changing world
Hanna Norberg, Anna Jerzewska and Elitsa Garnizova
TradeExperettes’ discuss digital trade, gender and trade, good governance, and more inclusive growth at the WTO Public forum.
'Trade for Her' - empowering women in trade
The conference, entitled ‘Trade for Her’, will explore current challenges and barriers to women in trade, hear business perspectives on the issues, and discuss synergies with other policy areas - ultimately seeking to identify solutions for women’s greater empowerment in trade.