Gender Mainstreaming in Trade Agreements: Lessons and Future Pathways
In today’s integrated global economy, international trade is often seen as a tool to boost female workforce participation. However, achieving sustainable and inclusive growth requires gender-sensitive trade policies to ensure equitable benefits for all.
Gender-differentiated roles and gender-biased business practices exist in global markets, causing women to be more disadvantaged.
The EU Should be Cautious in Following the US Footsteps on Outbound Investment Screening
On January 24 2024, the EU announced its strategy on outbound investments with the objective of establishing a comprehensive outbound screening policy. Although the policy outcome will not be known until 2025 at the earliest, the EU is likely to introduce an initiative resembling the US outbound investment screening regime. But the EU is not the US. Introducing such a regime will be a challenge for the EU.
TradeExperettes Unpack MC13: Achievements, Challenges, Lessons Learned and the Way Forward
Emilie Kerstens & Belén Gracia
In a recent webinar hosted by TradeExperettes, esteemed experts including WTO DDG Johanna Hill, Alice Tipping, Director of Trade and Sustainable Development at the IISD, and Tiffany Smith, Vice President for Global Trade Policy at NFTC, provided their insightful reflections on the outcomes of MC13, shedding light on its accomplishments, failures and perhaps most importantly, the path forward.
Digital services trade “must-haves” for MC13
Jane Drake-Brockman & Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås
The internet is a global public good that we can no longer take for granted. Recent years have witnessed escalating constraints on cross-border data transfers - undermining the integrity of the internet itself, and threatening the global digital transformation. The WTO has a critical role to play to keep markets open, particularly to the benefit of MSMEs firms in developing countries. MC13 can contribute to this goal.
Internationalising Mobile Banking in Africa
Digital payments have emerged as an alternative to the traditional concept of money. Notably, mobile money has been revolutionary for cross-border remittances in Africa, and a major catalyst for payments growth in the continent. However, despite its increased use and the likelihood it will have a more radical and lasting effect on African markets, there are still remaining challenges to the adoption of mobile money across borders.
Framing the success of the EU as a Global Digital Actor?
Data is the ‘lifeblood’ of the economies and digital trade across the world, but it is also the source of much concern about privacy rights, the capacity for commercial manipulation of personal information, and State and private actor disputes. Institutionalisation can synthesise these many cross-cutting themes and transatlantic efforts in the area of data privacy constitutes a key case study on this topic.
Better logistics for better supply chain connectivity
Mia Mikic & Sherry M. Stephenson
What are logistics? From the perspective of late 2022 asking this question may appear ridiculous. The term has been used so much in all aspects of our lives for the last three years that we feel we can intimately relate to it. But do we know what it actually is? The APEC region took the lead in 2022 in pushing forward a better understanding of the important but often underappreciated logistics activities to examine their role in moving essential goods across borders.
Untangling the Digital Noodle Bowl: The Case for DEPA
As countries contemplate how to boost post-pandemic economic rebuilding, it will be more important than ever to support the smooth functioning of digital trade.
Gender-Inclusive E-Commerce in a Post-COVID-19 Recovery
Trade and gender is in the spotlight. The international community has committed to making trade more inclusive, and taken steps to facilitate women’s participation in the global trading system.
How Technology Can Help Beat COVID-19's Cross-Border Trade Disruptions
Pamela Ugaz
The widespread lockdown imposed across the globe has slowed down economic activities, in particular cross-border trade.
Blockchain: A game-changer for international trade?
Emmanuelle Ganne
Some 60 years after the invention of the container, international trade may be undergoing a new revolution.
'Trade for Her' - empowering women in trade
The conference, entitled ‘Trade for Her’, will explore current challenges and barriers to women in trade, hear business perspectives on the issues, and discuss synergies with other policy areas - ultimately seeking to identify solutions for women’s greater empowerment in trade.