Black Swan, Second Act: A Dress Rehearsal for the World After the Pandemic
Around a year ago, when over half of the world was on lockdown, I wrote about how the world was doing ballet-like pirouettes because of Covid-19. This black swan event has shaken the global economy, but where are we one year later?
Putting Women at the Heart of Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery: How Trade Agreements Can Help
Economic empowerment comes with unfettered access to economic opportunities and resources. The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the impact of these pre-existing barriers in various ways.
This Ain’t Business as Usual: Eight Ways the Pandemic Shook Up the Global Trading System in 2020
Marta Bengoa et al.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked the global economy, and also likely altered the global trading system for good.
Gender-Inclusive E-Commerce in a Post-COVID-19 Recovery
Trade and gender is in the spotlight. The international community has committed to making trade more inclusive, and taken steps to facilitate women’s participation in the global trading system.
Compulsory Licensing: The Key to Accessing the Future COVID-19 Vaccine for Africa?
Faith Tigere and Kugler Kholofelo
Trade in medical goods has experienced a boom with the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the imposition by governments of trade restrictions on COVID-19 medical products has affected global supply chains, which in turn impact public health interventions.
Diversified Supply Chains and Rules of Origin: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, businesses are encouraged to be more resilient to external economic shocks by diversifying or reshoring their supply chains.
Temporary is the New Permanent? Lingering Export Restrictions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anna Jankowska and Maria V. Sokolova
This raises a question: how temporary are temporary export restrictions and to what extent are these restrictions indicative of a “new normal”?
How Technology Can Help Beat COVID-19's Cross-Border Trade Disruptions
Pamela Ugaz
The widespread lockdown imposed across the globe has slowed down economic activities, in particular cross-border trade.
Is it time for women leaders in international organizations?
Maria V. Sokolova, Alisa DiCaprio, and Nicole Bivens Collinson
The nominations process that has been in place up until now for international organizations has yielded limited diversity both with regard to gender and nationality of candidates.
Turning crisis into opportunity: the 'Make in India' moment is here
Aakanksha Mishra
Over the past couple of decades, China has become the hub of global supply chain networks. It has been reducing its reliance on foreign inputs while continuously increasing its exports of intermediate goods.
#WeSeeYou: COVID-19 and the Fashion Retail Industry
The economic crisis brought by COVID-19 has again underscored the unethical business culture which pervades the fashion retail industry.
TradeExperettes survey of women trade professionals on the impact of COVID-19 on their lives
Maria V. Sokolova and Leila Aridi Afas
The constant stream of COVID-19 coverage is overwhelming. It makes our minds spiral in different directions without a clear understanding of whether the sacrifices we are making are indeed “flattening the curve” and minimizing the impact of the virus.
An Ambitious Agenda on Trade and Multilateralism is Needed for the Recovery of the Global Economy
Currently, the world is facing a crisis unlike anything we have seen before. And without doubt, it is difficult in the middle of a crisis to discuss anything else than acute measures.
Trade Facilitation and the Response to COVID-19: An Update on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
With growing dialogue on the future of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a global focus on the movement of vital supplies across borders in response to COVID-19, it is an opportune time to review progress with the only multilateral pact agreed to by the WTO since its founding, the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).
Compulsory licensing of a COVID-19 vaccine: Ensuring global access
Gabriela Sánchez Escamilla
We are facing a historic moment. In less than 4 months, COVID-19 has become a pandemic of proportions nobody could have imagined.
Trade-restrictive measures and COVID-19: Are WTO Agreements proving to be pandemic proof?
Ariane Yvon
As the COVID-19 outbreak rapidly expanded and continues, government officials around the world have adopted a vast number of restrictions on exports and imports of key products needed to address the pandemic.
Black Swan and the 5 pirouettes the world is doing for Covid-19
The ballet “Swan Lake,” composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, has symbolized major political shifts in the Russian Federation since it was broadcasted for three days on Russian television during an attempted coup d’état in 1991.