Landlocked Developing Countries and Trade in Africa
Princess Puskas & Tlotlo Nkile
Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) are usually marginalized from major transportation networks and logistics services. to enhance their access to the global market. To overcome this problem, they should cooperate to build sustainable transport and communications infrastructure that improves transit efficiency, promotes regional integration, and enhances business competitiveness.
Internationalising Mobile Banking in Africa
Digital payments have emerged as an alternative to the traditional concept of money. Notably, mobile money has been revolutionary for cross-border remittances in Africa, and a major catalyst for payments growth in the continent. However, despite its increased use and the likelihood it will have a more radical and lasting effect on African markets, there are still remaining challenges to the adoption of mobile money across borders.
Compulsory Licensing: The Key to Accessing the Future COVID-19 Vaccine for Africa?
Faith Tigere and Kugler Kholofelo
Trade in medical goods has experienced a boom with the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the imposition by governments of trade restrictions on COVID-19 medical products has affected global supply chains, which in turn impact public health interventions.