Quick win No. 8

Increase to 10% the percentage of Aid for Trade allocated exclusively to women in trade, with a particular emphasis on facilitating the inclusion of women in digital trade, especially in the use of digital platforms.

It is well documented that women tend to not only participate less in international trade, but also have lower access to skills, education, finance, networks, and markets. By targeting women’sinclusion in international trade, we can generate systemic change that can help flip the socio-economic disadvantages women currently face. Aid for Trade is one of the key international tools that aids trade inclusion globally. Ensuring that there is a mandatory share of Aid for Trade going to programs focused on women in trade will create a higher and more sustainable impact of these programs for women around the world.

One area in particular where such programs could focus are digital technologies and the use of digital platforms. It is acknowledged that digital technologies can create new employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for women, enhance access to information, networking and finance, improve women’s access to trade, and help women balance other familial and societal obligations. However, women tend to have less access to these technologies, especially in developing countries.

For example, in the developing world, women are less likely to use or own a mobile phone, a basic means to communicate and access the internet. Some women are also entering the digital economy with a distinct disadvantage, due to their poor access to education. This affects not only their confidence but also their capacity to use digital tools in order to access diverse online resources. It is also important to promote the collection of data regarding women’s access and use of the internet across the board to measure progress in this area.

It is proposed that the WTO Working Group on Trade and Gender promote the following specific actions:

Women in trade

National and regional Aid for Trade programsshould be devised so as to target the inclusion of women in trade. In order to have a better understanding of the evolving situation, there should be global action on women’s inclusion in trade based on a transparent review process at national and regional levels and include the exchange of best practices as well as the identification and analysis of obstacles to implementation of women in trade programs.

Digital trade

Targeted programs that focus on women’s access to digital trading platforms should be created. Digital platforms provide additional opportunities for women, as they enable women to escape some of the traditional obstacles that they face in trading. At the same time, women tend to be less educated and may have problems using digital platforms. Therefore, targeted programs that address these related challenges are necessary to reap the benefits of digital platforms for women in trade.


Quick win No. 7


Quick win No. 9