Hanna Norberg
TradeExperettes, Founder and President
Independent International Trade Policy Advisor, Economist, PhD., Founder TradeEconomista.com & TradeExperettes, Co-Founder TPR Forum
Elitsa Garnizova
TradeExperettes, Vicepresident
Founder and Director of Trade Policy Hub, LSE
Penny Naas
TradeExperettes, Board of Directors & Advisor
Former President of International Affairs and Sustainability at UPS
Alcira Gomez Heneidi
TradeExperettes, Dir. Communications and Engagement
Trade policy advisor for global companies
María Belén Gracia
TradeExperettes, Dir. Editorial | TE Podcast & TE Blog
International Trade Lawyer
Anne Wambui Gaitha
TradeExperettes, Dir. Membership
Africa Trade and Investment Expert, Founder of the Regal Africa Group
Michelle Egan
TradeExperettes, Dir. Fundraising | TE Writterettes
Professor at American University School of International Service, and Global Fellow at the Wilson Center
Laura Montes de Oca
TradeExperettes, Administration
International Trade Negotiations, climate change, gender, economic diplomacy
Sarah Frimpong
TradeExperettes, Administration
Research International Trade PhD Candidate Trade and Labour
Johanna Hill
TradeExperettes, Advisor
Deputy Director General at the World Trade Organization
Anabel González
TradeExperettes, Advisor
VicePresident for Countries at the Inter-American Development Bank
Mari Pangestu
TradeExperettes, Advisor
Indonesian economist and Former World Bank Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnerships