Issue 1 Jan 2024



From Geneva to Singapore to Washington D.C., the TradeExperettes family achieved wonders together in 2023!

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Ambassadors’ Roundtable on Trade and Environment

At the WTO Public Forum, Trade Experettes convened a discussion led by Ambassador Matthew Wilson, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations and the WTO, Ambassador Nadia Theodore, Permanent Representative of Canada to the WTO, and Ambassador Marie Chantal Rwakazina, Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations and the WTO.

Luncheon and Private Networking Event

At the WTO Public Forum, Trade Experettes collaborated with the International Council of Chemical Associations, King & Spalding, China Trade Monitor and TPEAdvisory, to host a luncheon and private networking event, uniting over 60 Trade Experettes members from various international organizations, industry, and law firms.

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Artificial Intelligence in the Era of Digital Trade Policy

Trade Experettes joined forces with Google to host a panel discussion, featuring an engaging exchange between Eunice Huang, Head of AI and Emerging Tech Policy, Google Asia-Pacific, Cecilia Malmström, Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Hanna Norberg, President, TradeExperettes, and Marta Soprana, Fellow in International Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science.

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Roundtable Discussions

In October, Hanna Norberg participated in two events in Washington DC: A roundtable discussion organized by the National Foreign Trade Council on the impact of WTO -commerce moratorium on women, and a discussion hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations on digital trade.

What to expect from COP28 & MC13?

Together with TOYOTA we held a discussion titled “What to expect from COP 28 and MC13 and how the TradeExperettes Ten Quick Wins for Trade and the Environment can contribute to deliberations”, led by Cecilia Malmström, Hanna Norberg, and Leila Afas, Director, Global Public Policy, Toyota.

Edited by Arushi Vaishnav. Newsletter layout designed by Ricardo Ashimi.
