TradeExperettes Unpack MC13: Achievements, Challenges, Lessons Learned and the Way Forward
Emilie Kerstens & Belén Gracia
In a recent webinar hosted by TradeExperettes, esteemed experts including WTO DDG Johanna Hill, Alice Tipping, Director of Trade and Sustainable Development at the IISD, and Tiffany Smith, Vice President for Global Trade Policy at NFTC, provided their insightful reflections on the outcomes of MC13, shedding light on its accomplishments, failures and perhaps most importantly, the path forward.
Is this the last chance for the EU–MERCOSUR Agreement?
The EU and MERCOSUR will negotiate an additional instrument in the Association Agreement to address sustainability issues. This blog explores the possible scenarios that could result from it, with a special focus on deforestation. To achieve consensus, a mutual-gains approach may be the last chance for the Agreement.
This Ain’t Business as Usual: Eight Ways the Pandemic Shook Up the Global Trading System in 2020
Marta Bengoa et al.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked the global economy, and also likely altered the global trading system for good.
The European Union-Mercosur Agreement is Not a Threat to EU Environmental Policy
On October 7, 2020, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the implementation of the common commercial policy.