The EU Should be Cautious in Following the US Footsteps on Outbound Investment Screening
On January 24 2024, the EU announced its strategy on outbound investments with the objective of establishing a comprehensive outbound screening policy. Although the policy outcome will not be known until 2025 at the earliest, the EU is likely to introduce an initiative resembling the US outbound investment screening regime. But the EU is not the US. Introducing such a regime will be a challenge for the EU.
Framing the success of the EU as a Global Digital Actor?
Data is the ‘lifeblood’ of the economies and digital trade across the world, but it is also the source of much concern about privacy rights, the capacity for commercial manipulation of personal information, and State and private actor disputes. Institutionalisation can synthesise these many cross-cutting themes and transatlantic efforts in the area of data privacy constitutes a key case study on this topic.
Is this the last chance for the EU–MERCOSUR Agreement?
The EU and MERCOSUR will negotiate an additional instrument in the Association Agreement to address sustainability issues. This blog explores the possible scenarios that could result from it, with a special focus on deforestation. To achieve consensus, a mutual-gains approach may be the last chance for the Agreement.
The U.S. response to the EU CBAM: Past responses and future prospects
A look at three different approaches that the U.S. could take in the near future in response to the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
Progress on difficult terrain: The EU-China investment agreement
Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has repeatedly shown that it primarily follows its own path, not necessarily matching the expectations of Western economic partners. Against this background, preliminary assessments of the CAI in Europe oscillate between decisive progress and minor improvement.
Is the Future of Preferential Trade in Sustainable Production Only?
A new, untested regulatory mechanism for the promotion of (more) sustainable trade through trade preferences is about to be introduced for the first time worldwide.
The EU-UK TCA: A Front-runner in Trade and Sustainable Development
The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), provided that relevant rules of origin are satisfied. At the same time, the TCA includes two notable features regarding trade and sustainable development (TSD) commitments.
Is it Time to Get the EU-Mercosur Deal Across the Finish Line?
EU-Mercosur Association Agreement, which was finalized on June 28, 2019, has faced strong opposition, particularly from environmentalists who argue that increased trade will intensify Brazilian deforestation rates and violate indigenous rights.
Irish-American: Biden's Heritage and Transatlantic Relations
On the night of November 7th as Joseph R. Biden Jr. officially won the United States presidential election, a clip from several years ago resurfaced to make its rounds on Twitter: the President-Elect can be seen passing throngs of press, with one voice overheard: “Sir, can you answer a few questions for the BBC?” to which Biden replies, with his signature grin: “The BBC? I’m Irish.”
The European Union-Mercosur Agreement is Not a Threat to EU Environmental Policy
On October 7, 2020, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the implementation of the common commercial policy.
The EU as the Lone Ranger Converger with the Global Legal Order? On Methodology
Scholarship, from international economic law, international investment law, international human rights law to sources of Public International Law (PIL), increasingly frames new shifts in sources, practice and jurisprudence as an explicit narrative of ”convergence”.